I’ve for some reason extra time to kill so I’ve updated PhotoSynthToolkit (SFMToolkit will follow soon). I’ve been only focusing on PMVS2 for this release: I’ve integrated Nghiaho optimization, fixed white-space folder handling in PMVS2 using boost::filesystem and fixed the timing output in the console. Thus there is no need for the ugly temporary z drive anymore .
Nghiaho optimizations are disabled by default as I’ve found that it generates a point cloud less dense. You can enable the optimization by adding:
as last PMVS2.exe parameter in your command prompt or just activate the optimization by modifying the following files:
- 3 – Prepare for PMVS2.wsf line 49 -> var USE_OPTIMIZED_PMVS = true;
- 4 – Prepare for CMVS.wsf line 46 -> var USE_OPTIMIZED_PMVS = true;
You can download PhotoSynthToolkit11.zip.
Hello, for some time I’ve been using Your great tool to reconstruct the surfaces from aerial photos ( like the ones I make using a kite: http://photosynth.net/view.aspx?cid=cfbd7566-8c5a-4c77-a1c7-9e89eed88e50 ).
but now my question is if it’s possible to extract somehow the proper camera positions and focal lengths to Blender? While using your viewer, I see the cameras, but when I import the PLY to Blender, there is just a vertex (it’s always something). Today, I’ve tried the import_bundler.py plugin, and it worked, but the image collection imported was scrambled (the camera positions were OK). In my opinion it’s a matter of the image list.
So, how to make a proper image list.txt? It should only contain the images which are inside the collection (if a synth is not 100% synthy).
@Piotr: I never tried this blender script but I assume that it is reading the bundle.out file generated by my PhotosynthToolkit. Even if your synth is not 100% synthy the bundle.out file generated will need a list.txt file with all images (even those that weren’t calibrated). Indeed uncalibrated cameras have a focal length of 0 and thus can easily be skipped. You can generate your list.txt file by running this command in cmd: dir *.jpg /ON /B > list.txt.
I tried this before (without /ON options) and the images seem to have the wrong place (also with /ON). Maybe it just works with a proper list from bundler.
I have been experimenting with your toolkitt 11. How can I get the toolkit to process a job with 230 photos? I run out of memory paart way through the processing – I have 8Gb.
Hello, every version of the PhotosynthToolkit I try to use crashes. Please help!
Problemereignisname: APPCRASH
Anwendungsname: PhotoSynthGrabber.exe
Anwendungszeitstempel: 4fa0505d
Fehlermodulname: MSVCR100.dll
Fehlermodulversion: 10.0.40219.325
Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 4df2be1e
Ausnahmecode: 40000015
Ausnahmeoffset: 0008d6fd
Betriebsystemversion: 6.3.9600.
Gebietsschema-ID: 1031
Zusatzinformation 1: 60aa
Zusatzinformation 2: 60aa15fafd58e4d77bb6d43c132cf6a5
Zusatzinformation 3: bf6f
Zusatzinformation 4: bf6f33b05119c3c4ac0cfb662b12e138